Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Christmas ringing session - 27.12.2023

 My initial plan was to conduct a ringing session on Christmas, but of course I got sick and it took me two days before I was able to get out of bed. So this morning still quite sick but full of motivation to end the year strong, I woke up at 05:30 and went to my ringing site.

The weather was extremely warm for the season (15 C) and I was not expecting much, but I was hoping that there are still some winter thrushes around the place. So at 06:00 I had my 3 nets ready and the T.pilaris/T.iliacus mix was already playing.

As expected, the results were poor in terms of numbers, but I can't complain about the species that I got. 2 Redwing, 1 Great tit and 1 Brambling.

In the upcoming days, I'll probably try a few more sessions with the hopes of increasing those Redwing numbers, but it all depends on the weather so fingers crossed!

1y Redwing(Turdus iliacus)

male Brambling(Fringilla montifringilla)

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